

当年轻人有机会真正探索他们的想象力时,会发生什么呢, 表达他们内心的光芒, 为他们的社区做贡献, 并在他们的教育中合作? 

他们成为最勇敢的自己——他们成长了, 在一起, 到订婚, 有灵感和目标的变革者. 

自1970年以来, 十大电子游艺网站排行 has been the place for these daring doers: the big dreamers who embrace the beauty and power of ideas and self-expression; the purposeful learners who have an unabashed enthusiasm for discovering knowledge; the independent thinkers who care about the world and want to change it for the better.
    • 校长,惠特尼·汤普森