• 学术概况



Tandem 上学校: A Place for Purposeful Knowledge Seekers

十大电子游艺平台首选的进步, purpose-based approach to learning allows 上学校 students to explore their passions and find meaning in their pursuit of knowledge and their contributions to the world. 

上学校 is both the culmination of and preparation for a life of knowledge seeking, 创造性学习, 自我表现, 和好奇心. It’s when students become their boldest selves as they step confidently into the future.
的 上学校 curriculum is designed to give students greater agency in their studies as they progress from freshman to senior year while supporting their academic, 社会, 情感, 发展需要. 
  • 英语课程 immerses students in the craftsmanship and power of words, rooted in a tradition of prolific 写作, 圆桌苏格拉底式的讨论, 以及丰富多样的文本. 
  • 历史 is presented as a cultural experience, not a sequence of political events. 学生研究人, 的地方, and events within the context of 社会 development, the rise of nations and political institutions, 城市化, 和冲突.
  • 数学 is rooted in analysis and the thought process, 鼓励猜想, 实验, 讨论, 扩展, 写作, 以及解决问题的能力. 
  • 的实验室 科学项目 鼓励学生批判性思考, 讨论科学思想, 进行科学实验, and analyze data while taking advantage of small class sizes and our school’s expansive natural campus setting. 
  • 世界通用语言 拉丁文课程, 法国, and Spanish give students an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, preparing them to live meaningful lives in a global society. 
  • 创造性的艺术 ——艺术, 戏剧, 电影制作, and music - give students outlets for 自我表现 and an opportunity to explore new talents and their creative potential. 
  • 等级顶石项目 是令人兴奋的, serious independent projects that require each student to explore a self-chosen subject area, culminating in a final research paper and both individual and class presentations. 
  • Tandem的会员资格 星座学 allows students access to a global learning community and classes at other independent schools. 的se online classes are both an 扩展 of our curriculum as well as an expansion beyond our offerings (e.g.、普通话、心理学、美国手语). 
Ready for your 上学校 student to grow in Tandem? 


    • 高中主任

罗素梳子 has over fifteen years experience in 上学校 administration, primarily as a Dean of Students in both small and large schools, and has taught US history throughout his career. 他的学历是B。.A. 在你.S. 波茨坦学院历史学硕士.A. 在你.S. 来自St的历史. Bonaventure University, and completed three years of Ph.D. 在美国工作.S. 奥尔巴尼大学历史系.
If you have questions about the Tandem Friends 上学校, please contact 罗素梳子 by 电子邮件 或致电 (434) 296-1303 x502.


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