• 十大电子游艺平台首选概况




A typical day at Tandem Friends begins with a morning meeting by division and includes five academic periods (one of them a long block), 40分钟的午餐时段, 还有一个40分钟的社区时间,可能是自习室, 咨询期, 敬拜会议或提问小组, 或者一个发人深省的演讲系列. 

Tandem在十大电子游艺网站排行提供的朋友教育的许多方面都是独一无二的, 比如服务学习和社区服务, 环境管理, 多样性, 一个著名的夏季艺术项目, 体验式教育, 还有一个强大民主的学生会. There are also many special projects and special days that are 'uniquely Tandem Friends,每个学生都珍视并永远铭记的宝贵传统.


  • 每天的课程

    Classes begin right after 早上的会议 and all classes meet a minimum of four times per week. 每天早上休息10分钟, 每天都有40分钟的午餐, 还有40分钟的社区时间,用于敬拜聚会等活动, 演讲者系列和顾问每天午餐后开会.
  • 课外活动 & 俱乐部

    学生可以选择参加一些课外活动. Students with a strong interest in an activity are encouraged to take a leadership role and start a group of their own.
  • 食物

    Community and food go hand in hand here; we like to eat together! 从史诗般的野餐到剧院科技周的小吃, 这个社区认同食物能让人们走到一起. Our Parent Community showers our faculty with delicious snacks during Faculty Appreciation days. 环境管理决定了十大电子游艺网站排行怎么吃,有时是吃什么. 十大电子游艺网站排行鼓励使用真正的杯子和银器, 并在校园里提供水瓶加气站. 十大电子游艺网站排行学校没有汽水贩卖机. 十大电子游艺网站排行把有机食物垃圾制成堆肥.
  • 有责任的自由

    "有责任的自由" is an ideal simple to express, but difficult in practice. Freedom in an educational setting allows for the growth of the individual in ways often unforeseen by both adults and students. This unpredictable quality is the source of much of the excitement and joy in our approach to education. Students here learn that freedom is extended in a direct relationship to responsibility. 负责任的自由不仅仅是允许. 十大电子游艺网站排行要求学生考虑他们行为的后果, 不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了他们的同学, 他们的老师, 以及学校本身.
  • 善良和智慧,善良永远是第一位的

    Tandem的另一个座右铭是“善良与智慧,善良永远是第一位的”." “Kindness and Wisdom” reflects the Friends belief that the Inner Light of Wisdom exists within each human being. When we seek and then express that Wisdom, it is manifested as 种类ness towards others.
  • 咨询项目

    The advisory program is a key component of the curriculum in both the 中学 and the 上学校 and reflects a commitment to realizing the mission of the school at each grade level. All students are assigned to small group advisories by grade and meet once each week. The advisory program is designed to support and empower the student in personal development, 维护自己的权利, 道德行为, 学术, 社区参与.
  • 学生领导

    自成立以来, Tandem Friends has embraced John Dewey's idea that a school should serve as an "embryonic democracy" in which students participate directly in the life of the school.

    在高中, 高年级学生开晨会, and 上学校 students may run for election to the governing student body - the Student Senate. The Student Senate's mission is to enrich the school community by representing students. 参议院为学生提供体验式学习机会, 努力培养社区服务,并将学习扩展到课堂之外. 

    The Senate works to deepen our Quaker identity and to foster a thriving spiritual life at the school. The Senate provides opportunities for students to engage in the life of the school by hosting social gatherings such as dances, 促进学生的参与. The Senate represents students in policy making to the faculty and within the community and runs Open Meetings. Senate officers and grade representatives are elected from within the 上学校 each year.
  • 早上的会议

    每天上学都会开晨会, 在中学里是按年级划分的, 过了一会儿平静的沉默, 然后,会议领导人会召集那些要发表声明的人. 晨会提供每日与社区的联系, 一个了解当天事件的机会, 还有一个开放的论坛供那些有公告要分享的人使用.
  • 没有削减体育

    Our 体育运动 Department practices a 'no-cut' sports policy; students who wish to play on a (grade-appropriate) team become part of that team. 没有选拔过程,在赛季中也不会被裁掉. Players who expect to have play time attend practices responsibly and show dedication to the team. Our no-cut sports policy gives students the freedom to try different sports or play multiple sports during the school year.
  • 工作人员

    The role that students and faculty play in maintaining the buildings and grounds is one of the school's oldest and finest traditions, that of all members of the community working together to keep the school clean and organized.
    • 十大电子游艺网站排行的领导